Bristol Women’s Voice Choir


Join us for a weekly choir session with Gena Rose and raise your voice through song.

Following on from the popular Empower Your Voice workshop at our International Women’s Day 2024, we are incredibly excited to work with Gena Rose again to have a Bristol Women’s Voice Choir to sing at our next International Women’s Day 2025.

Gena has transformed lives, inspired social action and created change with her music and work, including being the first Choir Director of the Bristol Windrush Reggae Choir and lead it to Glastonbury’s Pyramid Stage! She has gone on to create the One Love Choir and is the Music Director for Sing Out Bristol.

No singing experience required. Term-time only.


Where possible, we ask that you book and pay via our site here below.


UMH Unitarian Meeting Hall  Brunswick Square, Bristol,  BS2 8PE14 

Time & date: 

Every Monday (term-time only), 6:30PM – 8:15PM 

(tea and coffee at the start)


To help us continue running these sessions and covering the costs of the venue, printing costs, etc we ask for a small contribution from participants. Advance payment is preferred.

Pay as you Go: (Click the link to Pay)

Pay in Block: (Click the link to Pay)

First taster session is free. Simply send us an email at

Any enquiries, please contact us on

If you would like to attend but payment is a barrier, please get in touch with us, as we have volunteer opportunities available.

*Open Concessions: we don’t require you to bring any proof of your concession status. If our standard prices are simply out of reach at the moment, you can also opt for our open concession ticket with no questions asked.

** Pay It Forward: this will support access to the choir for someone who may not be able to afford it.

We offer a FREE taster session before deciding to become a member.

To join and become a member, simply fill in the form below and choose your payment.

Membership is payable in one-off payments, or in recurring monthly, 3 month, yearly payments. 

We also offer concessionary rates. 

(for those receiving pension credit, full-time students, incapacity allowance, job seekers allowance or income support)

Simply fill in the form below, choose your fee, and show up to sing!

 If you have questions, please see the FAQs below or contact us at



Joining A Choir – FAQs

Your first time

Are your rehearsal spaces accessible for disabled people?

Yes and if you have questions about this, please let us know before your first taster session so we can make sure you have all the help you might need.

Will I have to audition?

No. We ask new people to come early so we can welcome you and we will check your vocal range to see if you’re a bass, tenor, alto or soprano during the warm up.

Will I have to join a waiting list?

No. There’s no waiting list at the moment.

I can’t sing. Does that mean I can’t join a choir?

Most everyone can sing, but may be under-confident if teachers or other people have told them they can’t. It’s a matter of building your confidence up – you’ll be surprised at the sounds you can make!

Can I join a choir if I’m not very confident?

Yes! Singing in a choir allows you to blend with the people around you, many of whom will be confident singers. The support of other voices around you will help you build your courage and capability.

Do I need to be able to read music to join a choir?

No. Some do, many don’t. You can just use our lyric sheets and audio files to follow along to get a good idea of what the tune is, but our other resources will also help you learn.

What support will I get as a newbie?

We operate a buddy system which means we’ll sit you next to an experienced choir member who can guide you. If you feel lost at the beginning, don’t worry about it! You’ll feel right at home soon!

How do I know what type of voice I have?

We figure that out for you when you arrive!

What sort of songs do the choirs sing?

The joy of the repertoire is that it is empowering and whisks you all around the world, back in time and forwards again and through every kind of musical genre. One minute we’ll be singing an african tribal song, the next we’ll be singing Katy Perry’s ROAR!

How much does it cost to join a choir?

See the pricing above. here

Choir membership

What is the age limit?

All ages are welcome – from 18 and up!

Will I have to sing on my own?

Not unless you volunteer to do so. There are slots for soloists so you’re welcome to have a go, but no one will ever make you.

I can’t make rehearsals every week, is that a problem?

Not at all. You can skip weeks you can’t make, or if something crops up on your chosen choir night you can always go to a different branch that week.

What do I get for my money?

As well as the full weekly rehearsal programme (you can attend on multiple days if you like – all for no additional cost when you pay monthly, 3 monthly or annually! We provide full audio resources and access to the members’ area. Priority access to workshops and other events of interest to singers – we’ll go on tour! Plus, there are opportunities to get out and sing with us, from formal concerts to charity events. Oh, and the post-gig celebrations…

Where and when does the choir perform?

Anywhere and everywherewe are invited. We are currently set to sing at the Bristol Women’s Voice International Women’s Day 2025 which you’ll have access to when you join.

Do I have to sing in concerts?

No, but it’s great fun!

How do I pay?

You can pay online but If you don’t want to pay online, in addition to this you can also pay using cash or card or bank transfer both. Sorry we do not take cheques.

How do I cancel my membership?

Just email us at 

Where can I download the rehearsal recordings?

In the members’ area which you will have access to upon becoming a member.

Will I have to buy sheet music?

No. We give out materials as part of your membership.